Friday, November 5, 2010

There's only one way...

Friendship is not capable of ending...
For if it ends it is only because it never existed.
I feel like, at this point, a lot has changed in my life. While I will admit that I have made choices that people may not agree with, at the end of the day they are my choices, and it is my life. A true friend stands by you no matter what. Especially during times of uncertainty and need. At least that's what I thought, and where I have always felt I would be with the few people that I had grown close to. But it seems times have changed, people have changed...things are different. As much as I could try to be upset and try to defend myself; I know the reasons bridges have been burned...and I just wish it didn't have to happen that way. Of all the changes that have come from this...I miss my "friends." If there weren't kids involved it might not be so hard...I just wish that wasn't taken from me. I know you might be reading this let it go...but I just wish people would stop and remember why this happened to begin with and maybe they'd realize where I was coming from.I have no hard looking back, just moving on...there's only one way...otherwise it just hurts too much... I'll be okay. This won't break me. So many people have come and gone in my life...I just wanted to put it out there that I miss that aspect of who I was...

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