Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The waiting Game

So here I am...waiting. Waiting to be off bed rest. Waiting for the babies to make their grand entrance into this world. Whenever that may be. I am hoping they don't come too soon. I was hospitalized for another week. Dilated even more than 2 weeks before when I was hospitalized. But, luckily they let me come home again. I was starting to go stir crazy. Missing Ty, missing Kiley. Wanting to be home with Kyle. I know that the best thing for the babies is for them to stay in my stomach for another 2-4 weeks but at this point it is so hard! The waiting game is really getting to me. As this pregnancy gets closer and closer to the final days I can't help but think about how much I am going to miss this feeling. As much as I am over the heartburn, stretch marks, bed rest and the over all effect it is having on my body-I can't help but be sad. I am realizing that this is it. I won't ever bear life again. I am done having kids after the twins come. I love that the numbers in our family are even-2 boys and 2 girls. I can't wait to enjoy our newest additions. I look forward to holding them, feeding them, loving them, enjoying them and being their mother. I can't wait for Ty and Kiley to finally know them as people and not just the huge bump on Mommy's tummy. I wish time would hurry up and pass so they could be healthy and strong when they do arrive. Then, at the same time-after they arrive I want to pause time. Keep them little babies forever. Because all too soon-they will be starting to sit up, crawl, walk, run, talk and become little people of their own-little people that we created!

Kiley has been staying with her dad and her aunt in San Jose. So I haven't seen her for a few weeks but luckily Britt has Ty and is taking him to and from school for me. She was able to bring him to visit me in the hospital every few days- that sure made my days better. I love my little guy:)and boy do I miss my little princess. Soon the babies will come and Ty and Kiley can come home and things will all be back to normal!

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